After having recieved some lovely lush products for Christmas, and knowing that everyone loves snow, I decided to do a quick post on 'The Melting Snowman'. A good old soak in the bath is enough to put anyone in a good mood, but with the additional snowman...phew!
Just drop your little snowball of cuteness into a warm tub and watch it come to life in the form of fizzy bubbles. Decorated witth a jelly fruit nose and chocolate drop eyes, this gorgeous bath fizzer will be great for this frosty time of year.
Sweetly scented of almond and vanilla, this brings back sweet-filled memories of childhood Christmas's from the past. A great product to reminisce and awaken too!
Watch the bubbles form as your man melts. A great way to relieve any stress from the day, or even to kick start your busy morning.
Have a happy day! Milly xoxo